Monday, November 10, 2008

That time of year again...

It has come to the time of year when ad agencies everywhere break out Carol of the Bells to soundtrack the latest brands and products looking to make an impact during the shopping season.  Here are a list of some you may have seen:

While these may be cute and even successful in marketing terms, there is also a huge market in this season for cause related marketing.  Consider this video to the tune guessed it:

Still, we have yet to see an ad set to my personal favorite, George Winston's version of Carol of the Bells.  Maybe this is an opportunity for your cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

Just found your blog today. Look forward to following it. I hope you'll check out my blog on cause marketing, You can also find me on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter under Joe Waters. You can find direct links on my blog.
